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Available Youth Mentoring Resources


1. Dortch, T. W. (2000). The miracles of mentoring: The joy of investing in our future. New York: Doubleday. (204 pages, $ 22.95 hardback; $11.95 paperback, reprinted by Broadway Books in 2001)

2. Drury, K. (1998). Successful youth mentoring (I & II). Loveland, CO: Group Publishing. ($16.99 each)

3. Evans, T. W. (1992). Mentors: Making a difference in our public schools. Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides. (247 pages, $9.95 paperback)

4. Freedman, M. (1993). The kindness of strangers: Adult mentors, urban youth, and the new volunteerism. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. (182 pages, $38.00 hardback)

5. Goodlad, S. (1997). Mentoring and tutoring by students. London: Kogan Page. (336 pages, £15.99)

6. Goodman, G. (1972). Companionship therapy. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. (298 pages, out of print)

7. Hamilton, S. F. (1990). Apprenticeship for adulthood: Preparing youth for the future. New York: Free Press. (223 pages, $32.95 hardback)

8. Henderson, N., Benard, B., & Sharp-Light, N. (2000). Mentoring for resiliency: Setting up programs for moving youth from “stressed to success.” San Diego: Resiliency in Action. (90 pages, $12.95)

9. Miller, A. (2002). Mentoring students and young people: A handbook of effective practice. London: Kogan Page. (322 pages, £19.99)

10. Reglin, G. L. (1998). Mentoring students at risk: An underutilized alternative education strategy for K-12 teachers. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers. (93 pages, $18.95 paperback)

11. Rhodes, J. E. (Ed.). (2002a). A critical view of youth mentoring: No. 93 in the New directions for youth development series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (131 pages, $28.00 paperback)

12. Rhodes, J. E. (2002b). Stand by me: The risks and rewards of mentoring today's youth. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (163 pages, $22.00 hardback)

13. Schwiebert, V. L. (2000). Mentoring: Creating connected empowered relationships. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. (182 pages, $41.95 paperback)

14. Steele, R. (1998). Mentoring and the rites of passage for youth. Ralvon Books. (106 pages, $12.99 paperback)

15. Taylor, A. S., & Bressler, J. (2000). Mentoring across generations: Partnerships for positive youth development. New York: Plenum. (132 pages, $27.50)

Manuals, Reports, and Training Materials from Organizations

16. Flaxman, E., & Ascher, C. (1992). Mentoring in action: The efforts of programs in New York City. New York: Institute for Urban and Minority Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

17. Grossman, J. B. (Ed.). (1999). Contemporary issues in mentoring. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (100 pages, $15 paper)

18. Hamilton, S. F & Hamilton, M. A. (1990). Linking up: Final report on a mentoring program for youth. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall.

19. Jekielek, S., Moore, K. A., & Hair, E. C. (2002). Mentoring programs and youth development. Washington, DC: ChildTrends. (68 pages, free pdf file online, see bibliography)

20. Lund, L. (1992). Corporate mentoring in U.S. schools: The outstretched hand. New York:
The Conference Board. (34 pages)

21. Mecartney, C. A., Styles, M. B., & Morrow, K. V. (1994). Mentoring in the juvenile justice system: Findings from two pilot programs. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (74 pages, $2 paper; free pdf file online, see bibliography)

22. Morrow, K. V., & Styles, M. B. (1995). Building relationships with youth in program settings: A study of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (126 pages $7.50 paper; free pdf file online, see bibliography)

23. Saito, R.N., & Blyth, D.A. (1992). Understanding mentoring relationships. Minneapolis: Search Institute. (60 pages, $8.00 paperback)

24. Sipe, C. L. (1996). Mentoring: A synthesis of P/PV's research. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (76 pages, $7.50 paper; free pdf file online, see bibliography)

25. Sipe, C. L. (1999). Mentoring school-age children: A classification of programs. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (50 pages, $2 paper; free pdf, see bibliography)

26. Tierney, J. P., Grossman, J. B., & Resch, N. (2000). Making a difference: An impact study of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures. (58 pages, $5.50 paper, free pdf file online, see bibliography)

Manuals, Reports, and Training Materials Available from Government Agencies

27. Flaxman, E., Ascher, C., & Harrington, C. (1991). Youth mentoring: Programs and practices. ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education, 15.

28. Grossman, J. B., & Gary, E. M. (1997). Mentoring: A proven delinquency prevention strategy. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. (7 pages)

29. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (1998). Juvenile Mentoring Program (JUMP). Washington, DC: Author. (52 pages)

30. Office of the Secretary of Transportation (1996). Mentoring handbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation. (79 pages)

31. United States General Accounting Office: Health, Education, and Human Services Division (1998). Youth mentoring programs. Washington, DC: Author. (18 pages)

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